Monday 3 November 2014

Spoofing MAC filters and Captive Portals on Public Wifi Networks

Spoofing MAC filters and Captive Portals on Public WiFi Networks

MAC filters are implemented on the networks to white-list particular devices and restrict access to the access point. At many public internet access points, a Captive Portal service is used to authenticate users. But what this service does to maintain that session is track MAC addresses of the authorised devices. As MAC filters are not inherently implemented in WiFi 802.11 standards, spoofing the captive portals through masked or spoofed MAC addresses is fairly easy. Here is how..

Saturday 25 October 2014

How to know what was used in your PC in your Absense

Today an important trick is going to be unleashed..This trick will help you in your PC’s safety.
You can find what data had been used in your computer in your absence..YES all data.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Deauthorising Everybody on a Wireless Network

De-authorising Everybody on a Wireless Network

Wireless networks have always been the easiest to use, yet they have been the most easily breachable networks. There is a wide array of utilities out there to help one do so. In this tutorial, we will be using Aircrack-ng suite of utilities to deauthorise selected nodes on a WiFi network. Kali Linux comes pre-installed with these utilities, so we would be following this tutorial on this OS. But these utilities are also available for Windows family of OSes, here.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Sending a Broadcast Message to All Users on a Unix Network

Broadcast a Message on Unix Network !

This is a simple tutorial in the Unix / Linux environment, to broadcast a message to all the users logged into that machine or network. You can even direct the message to a particular user by giving additional options. So here's how it goes.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Owning a Chat Server !

Setting Up Our Own Chat Service

You have been Chatting and using Instant Messaging applications for quite a time, right ?. So How about setting up your own chat server ? You will have full monopoly over the messaging. Or just for fun ?
We will be using Openfire, a multi-platform, open source XMPP(Extensive Messaging and Presence Protocol) server written in JAVA and Spark collaboration client. So here it goes.

Thursday 11 September 2014

How to tackle and remove the shortcut virus from your PC

How to Tackle and Remove the Shortcut Virus from Your PC

Now-a-days a new Computer virus (Shortcut virus) is very popular in cyber media.One can loose all their media, important documents and files if their computers come in contact with this type of shortcut files. So if you're searching for a way to tackle this problem, here are the steps you can perform.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Installing and Running Android Apps on Your PC

Installing and Running Android Apps on Your PC

Though everybody nowadays has a smartphone running on Android or iOS or Windows Phone OS or, in rare cases, BB OS 10, there are times when you want to run mobile applications on your Desktop or Laptop. Well there are many emulators out there to help you with this.  Android applications have a very simple setup though and we will use Bluestacks to do this.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Installing UNIX based OS in Dual Boot with Windows

Installing UNIX based OS in Dual Boot with Windows

Making a dual booting device with a UNIX based OS and Windows pre-installed is a necessity for almost all Computer Science Engineering students. But the task becomes so daunting sometimes, due to lack of correct info that many end up using it on virtual machines or worse, over telnet services.
Here is a quick guide to installing UNIX based OS with windows OS. We will consider Ubuntu and Windows 7 as examples here. Steps are similar for other variations.